i'm always amazed with those who are structured,
well organized and somehow maintain to be in that state
have you ever seen something
so subtle
yet quirky enough to hit a raw nerve?
something unexpectedly inspiring.
i used to love to write.
i like being able to express myself
in a way only i can.
i like words
(tho my vocab are sadly limited)
i like meaning behind words
i like advertisement that use cleaver words
(so not ONLY sex sells)
i like to learn and spreading pseudo-knowledge
i like being smart
and now?
i make 'with an active baby' as an excuse
... every time!
i cant live without spell check.
the only time i lift a pen
is when keyboard (pc/hp) is not available.
i compose neat email, report, letter for work; script for tv program and review for freinds' product.
i'm still and will always be learning bits and pieces of beautiful words every now and then
i write a blog ... in Bahasa Melayu :p
will there be a day
of journal and feather quill for me?
would it be sunny and bright?

my ahem ... clutter.
kantoi ada Oreo atas meja :p

this is my best shot at being organized.
siap test cop lagi kat scratch book :p
page sebelah tu recycle budak opis punya slip gaji :p
inspiring image from Anaz POH's fb